Previous Woodturning Classes

John C Campbell - 2024
Intergenerational Week
2024 July 14 - 20
Assistant: David Hoenig

Foundations in Woodturning

We had an enjoyable week turning small, functional, and decorative objects and met wonderful people, including kids who were in the class. Throughout the week, we gained a deep understanding of crucial concepts and processes in the realms of woodturning and design. We covered the safe usage of woodturning lathes and traditional lathe tools. The catches decreased through the week, and the wood was not talking to us as much. It was the best class ever!

Projects at a Glance

1. Making Beads and Coves: Learn the fundamentals of creating beads, coves, and flats, focusing on mastering the three basic shapes.
2. Bud Vases: Start with a simple project like a bud vase, toothpick holder, or small twig pot. Refine your gouge control, entry cuts, and explore shape and design.
3. Wood Turned Bowls: Embark on the journey of shaping raw wood into functional elegance as you delve into the intricate process of turning a wooden bowl.
4. Christmas Trees: Master gouge control, entry cuts, and festive design for holiday woodworking.
5. Hummingbird Houses: Refine your woodturning skills to fashion a charming hummingbird house, adding a touch of natural beauty to your space.

Intergenerational Week
2024 July 14 - 20

Intergenerational Week at John C. Campbell Folk School introduces younger generations to the enriching world of art, music, and traditional mountain crafts. Families come together as youths aged 12-17 take classes with a parent, grandparent, or other special relative or guardian. Join us for this rewarding summer experience!

Best Class Ever!!

Previous Woodturning Classes